"The way out is through", can't agree more.

I would add that that's probably the only way. Repressing what is there is like putting a lid on a boiling pot. Sooner or later it will boil out in one form or the other.

What you've written strongly reminds me of the theory of Psychological Acceptance. It works on the premise that the first step to healing is acceptance of our negative emotions. Only after we accept those feelings, they can ease.

As Carl Rogers puts it "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

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I loved what you said! I have those days occasionally. I used to try to fight it and force myself to work. Now, if it is possible, i decide to take a mental health day, and just take the time to rest and care for myself. But... if I cant, I love your idea! Thanks for writing!

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Great article and strategies, it resonated with me so much!

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Livio, Sometimes I say to myself "So this is what __________ feels like today". It seems to help. D

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