I’ve often been bothered by my selfish thoughts.
By my egocentrism.
By my individualism.
Believing I was just another egoistic human.
Too focused on myself.
Just like about anyone else.
To my surprise, I’ve recently realised I was wrong.
Beneath all the selfish thoughts, there is nothing.
There is void.
There is emptiness.
There is a welcoming sense of acceptance.
Receptive to anything.
To any stimuli.
To any need.
To others’ needs.
With time, everything subsides.
And we’re left with openness.
And with a genuine altruistic interest.
Quieting the mind was my avenue to get there.
Through yoga.
Through meditation.
Through silent observation of nature.
Absence of inputs generates emptiness.
And leaves space to wonder.
“Every living moment presents you with mystery, opportunity and wonder” (Terence McKenna)
I wish I can keep reminding myself of this.
As I let self-doubt subside.
And my true nature freely emerge.
Have a receptive journey,
— Livio
In being nothing, we become everything ❤️
Livio, I have come to respect the concept of nothing or no-thing as being crucial to growth. Nothing can become anything. The concept adds to my understanding of death. Nothing is beautiful. Thanks for the post. D